Hi👋, I’m Mostafa.

I'm an Egypt-based front-end developer. I find joy in proble­ms solving and building web projects. I also pen down my thoughts about the­ web on my blog

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Recent Posts

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  1. The Impact of Music on Coding Focus

    Uncover how music impacts programmers: lyrics distract focus, stress-inducing tunes hinder productivity. Learn the balance for optimal efficiency.

  2. A Guide to Animated Theme Toggle

    Discover the power of animated theme toggle to elevate your website's user experience. Our comprehensive guide walks you through creating stylish toggle with ease. Improve engagement and keep your audience delighted with this essential web design feature.

  3. Guide to Creating Reflection Effects using CSS

    Create reflection effects with -webkit-box-reflect property in WebKit. This tutorial provides easy instructions and examples to enhance website's appeal.

  4. Creating a Theme Toggle using Sass

    Learn how to create a theme toggle using Sass and JavaScript to allow users to switch between light and dark themes on your website or application.

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